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The Mount. Lao is one of the cradle of Taoism. From Chunqiu Period, the Mount. Lao swarmed a lot of alchemists. And the end of Warring States Period, the Mount. Lao was famous as the fairy land of the East China Sea in the world. 
In the year 140 BC, the Western Han period, Lianfu Zhang came to the Mount. Laoshan who built the Taoist temple and taught apprentices, which established the foundation of Laoshan Taoist.
At the first of Song Dynasty,  Ruozhuo Liu was awarded Hua Gai Zhen Ren. And all of the Taoist temples in the Mount. Lao belonged to Hua Gai Faction.
Recently, the Lao Taoist belonged to Quanzhen. When Chuji Qiu came to the Mount. Lao, the Lao Taoist became prosperous. 
Until the Ming Dynasty, The Mount. Lao Taoist, Dragon Masters, derived from three factions, making a total of 10 religious sects, Taoism  developed  in the Mount. Lao and surrounding areas. To the mid-Qing Dynasty, Taoist temples were nearly one hundred .
After the founding of the PRC, Qingdao Municipal  Government  maintained the Mount. Lao Taoist temples, so that the Mount .  Lao Taoist received protection and survived.

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