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Liangquan Village

Liangquan Village is situated in Beizhai Subdistrict, with convenient transportation and geological location. It is in the Laoshan national scenery area, just besides No. 296 provincial highway and 2 km from Beijiushui Station of No.11 metro line.

The village sits in a broad flood plain made by mountain streams east of a famous mountain pass on Laoshan Mountain- Yuezikou. Baisha River flows nearby in this rich land of woods. During Jiajing Period of the Ming Dynasty (1522-1566), a Liu Family from Sanjiaoli of Jiaozhou came to settle here and named the village after a clear spring in the village that ran all year round.

Liangquan Village covers a land of 39.67 hectares with over 200 houses. With ideas of ecological development and benevolent cultural characteristics, it explores the way to replace old driving forces with new ones for rural vitalization in Laoshan District. Taking principles of “Campaigning ecological concepts, revitalizing rural creativity and promoting benevolent culture”, it strives to build an example of rural vitalization and a distinctive presence of countryside culture, life and tourism in Laoshan District.

On the basis of repair and restoration of old houses, the village will introduce projects including innovation and entrepreneurship center for youngsters, rural vitalization schools, art exhibition center, rubbish classification and environment protection education base, children’s picture book store, book store-featured family hotel, rural tavern, German beer garden, cultural streets, fine family hotel, garden of local species and village history museum. This aims to provide a place for leisure and tour for villages and tourists. A series of plans for investment promotion, talent introduction, culture revitalization and community building will be initiated together with top-quality cultural activities including rural music festival, ecological building festival, rural cultural creation festival, university student practice week, and fine rural beer festival. 

国家级风景名胜区国家AAAAA级旅游景区 国家森林公园中国天然氧吧全国文明单位


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