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Diaolongzui Community

6.5 km southeast from Wanggezhuang Subdistrict Office on the east coast of Laoshan Mountain lies a wonderful landmark-- Diaolongzui, meaning “dragon mouth”. A part of a yellow cape craned down towards the sea which resembles a dragon head when looking from a distance; a big round rock rises from the sea which is like a peal under the dragon mouth, hence the name “Diaolongji”, meaning “dragon pearl stone”; at the top of the cape were once two trees (one of which was cut down before the founding of the PRC), which resembles two hairs of dragon beard. When tides come, waves crash against the rocks into mist, making the whole place just like a picture of a giant dragon playing with a pearl. The village sitting west of the cape is therefore named Diaolongzui Village.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on one side, Diaolongzui Village neighbours Huayan Temple in the southwest and Yangkou scenery area in the north. The village covers a land of 3 km2 and is 2 km in length and 1.5 km in width in a square shape. Sitting besides the ravine, the village presents a beautiful view with white walls and red tiles rest in woods. Here holds charming mountains stretching to the crystal sea in the distance and thriving plants with beautiful birds. Diaolongzui Village possesses not only famous tourist sites such as Baiyun Cave and Qipan Rock in the southwest but also presents an ideal place to view the sunrise. “Come to Diaolongzui of Laoshan Mountain and you will find gorgeous views of sea with mountains”, this old saying tells about the characteristics and environment of the village. Originating from east of Hualiukou, Diaolongzui River goes in front of the village. This 4.8 km-long seasonal river covers a drainage area of 5.3 km2 with clear waters.

Among local seafood, Laoshan silver fish (ammodytes personatus) and jellyfish are the most famous ones. Besides traditional food crops, here also grows fruit trees such as apple, apricot, cherry and hawthorn, ecological forests such as lodgepole pine, Chinese parasol, oak and Chinese walnut, as well as tea plantation which earns it the name “Home of Laoshan Tee”. With the development of Laoshan scenery area, tourism here is also booming. In the “2013 finding the most beautiful Chinese towns” event, it was listed as one of “China’s most beautiful towns”.

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