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Dongmaiyao Community

Located inside Laoshan (a divine mountain on the sea) scenery area, a national 5A scenery area, Dongmaiyao Community is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces the sea. Endowed with beautiful scenery, the community lies in the way to Laoshan Taiqing scenery area.

As early as in Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1711-1799), Li Dongxi, ancestor of the Li family, came from what is now Nanlao Village of Shazikou Subdistrict to settle here. At that time there were nothing in this desolate and uninhabited land but some charcoal kilns of unknown dynasty called “Moyao” (black kiln). Later the place was named "Maiyao" in homonymy of the original name.

Taking its geographic advantages inside Laoshan scenery area, the community spares no efforts to develop tourism. It builds Dongmaiyao community agricultural sightseeing orchards with various fruit trees to fully explore countryside touring. The community also promotes the themed family hotel project of “enjoying Laoshan” with rich local tastes. The village preserves its original local stone houses while enhancing infrastructure development, seeking good combination of the traditional and modern cultures. In 2015 it was ranked as “China Model Rural Tourism Village” by the provincial tourism authority.  

国家级风景名胜区国家AAAAA级旅游景区 国家森林公园中国天然氧吧全国文明单位


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