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Xiaowang Community

Xiaowang Community is a beautiful village in Laoshan District with a history of over 600 years. Situated at the east piedmont of Laoshan Mountain and north of Yangkou Scenic Area, Xiaowang Community covers a land of 12.2 km2 with charming scenery, pleasing climate, convenient transportation and rich natural resources. It also owns titles of “National Model Village of Agricultural Tourism” and “China Rural Tourism Model Village”. It is said that the Xiao family first lived here and named the village as “Xiaowangtuan”, meaning prosperity for the Xiao family. In 1936 it was renamed as “Xiaowang”village.

Southwest of Xiaowang Community are grand mountains. There is a tale that once there were two white dragons playing in waters at the north of the mountain, therefore the mountain was called “Erlong Mountain (meaning the mountain of two dragons)”. Water in the mountain is rich and clear. There are two reservoirs, namely, “Tangziguan Reservoir” and “Xiaowang Reservoir” which are connected with each other in a unique style. Standing at the upper dam to gaze into the distance, you will find a beautiful picture of graceful mountains, communities and villages and the sea afar, which is refreshing and indulging.

Xiaowang Community is a famous “home of tea” in Laoshan District. Since 1990s, nearly every family here planted tea. Wanggezhuang Subdistrict, where the community belongs to, owns over 9.3 km2 of tea fields, accounting for 75% of the district’s total. Xiaowang alone possesses over 0.8 km2 of tea field, which is 10%.of the total in Wanggezhuang Subdistrict. Over 95% of the residents here are tea growers who cultivate tea of high quality. With tea field of thousands of square meters, it enjoys rich culture of tea. The village successively invested on building Laoshan Tea Museum, Tangziguan (Erlong Mountain) Scenic Area and tea filed touring together with other projects to build the ecotourism area into a comprehensive tourism area integrating tourism, vacation, sightseeing, leisure, fitness, entertainment and shopping.

国家级风景名胜区国家AAAAA级旅游景区 国家森林公园中国天然氧吧全国文明单位


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