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Muwushi Community

Muwushi Community lies in the south foot of Qingfeng Peak, the 2nd highest peak of Laoshan Mountain, and 3.5km southeast of Beizhai Subdistrict Office.

There are five giant round rocks spread out evenly in one row in the 1 km long ravine from the north of the community to Qingfeng Peak. These mushroom-like rocks eight to nine meters high are truly striking and spectacular among the mountains. It is said that once upon a time, a fairy who is the daughter of the Jade Emperor, and He Xiangu, one of the famous Eight Immortals, travelled here. Appreciating the beautiful scenery here, they decided to stay a while and play Shiwuer (a game played with pebbles) on Qingfeng Peak. Being no match with He Xiangu, the fairy threw away the five pebbles in her hand in a fit of anger. These five rocks became five giant black rocks, which were mellow and smooth in the surface for they were rubbed in immortals’ hands, hence the name Mowushi (rubbed five rocks). Yet it is a pity that these rocks that once added glory to Muwushi Community were destroyed in the turbulent times, only left behind some rubble and a beautiful fairy tale. Another tale goes that phoenix once lived at the peak east of the community. Down the hill lies a pond with lotus blooms, besides the pond is a boot-shaped stone and a giant flat rock which is like a bed. Therefore the place is also described as “phoenix on the head, lotus at the feet, boots taken off to rest on the bed”.

The community owns 98,000 m2 of farmland and over 753,000 m2 of mountain land. Fruit trees such as cherry, apricot, hawthorn and plum trees are planted along the fields and around houses. At flowering seasons, it presents a land of idyllic beauty. Local cherry festivals attract many tourists here for the little red sweet fruits. The ideal environment and pleasing climate lay the ground for rural dining and family hotels and visitors can enjoy not only authentic local dishes but also traditional culture in the meantime.

国家级风景名胜区国家AAAAA级旅游景区 国家森林公园中国天然氧吧全国文明单位


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