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Shuangshiwu Community

Situated in Jiushui touring area of Laoshan Scenic Area, Shuangshiwu Community consists of two natural communities of Shuangshiwu and Choupujian. Jiushui is the origin of Baisha River in Laoshan Mountain, which separates into inner Jiushui and outer Jiushui in its running from west to east. At Nei'ershui of inner Jiushui, you will find precipitous peaks, thriving woods and flowers with clear waters running down to the piedmont. It is the easternmost community in Beizhai Subdistrict with the highest altitude and the nearest distance to the crest of Laoshan Mountain.

It is said that in Kangxi Period of the Qing Dynasty (1662-1722), the Bi family came here from Bijia Community of Beizhai Subdistrict. They first lived in two caves which were like two stone rooms. The village they built later was named after these two caves as Shuangshiwu, meaning two stone rooms. The Qiao family also liked here and came to live in Choupujian, yet also calling the place as Shuangshiwu Community.

The river in front of the community originates from the peak of Laoshan Mountain, runs through Diangang Bay and forms a pond after years of alluviation. The pond is several meters deep with crystal clear water that allows sight to the bottom. Fishes wander in the water that reflects lush trees around. Yu Dafu, a famous modern Chinese poet, wrote in his visit here in 1934: “Willows thrive around Shiwu and stretch to the pond, deep in the cloud lies Weizhu Temple; rivers flow with falls cascading, the picturesque scenery resembles that in southeast China.” These lines are carved on a stone in front of the community within the upward sight of visitors.

With the booming of tourism, Shuangshiwu Community takes advantages of its resources to develop tourism projects including tea, cheery and Laoshan apricot picking and featured rural dinning to promote local tourism. It has won the title of “Featured Tourism Village of Shandong Province”. 

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