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Changling Comminity

Lying within the Laoshan Scenic Area, Changling Community is a picturesque village inside the Laoshan Mountain.

It is said that in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, there was a Buddhist nun called Guang Zhu, styled Da Fang, who lived in "Moriling" west of Baiyun Cave in Laoshan Mountain. She once was the little daughter of a Wang family in Jiaozhou and became a nun to save herself from a diseases when still a child. Living an austere life alone in the cave for 18 years, she was buried under the cave when she passed away. There is a seasonal river called Shitou River which originates from the south hillside of Gaoshiwu and runs to the east through Beichangling and Xiachangling to the Yellow Sea. The village is named after its location as it sits below a slope.

With the development of tourism, the village makes full use of its natural advantages of being backed by the Laoshan Mountain and facing the sea to develop sea fishing and cage culture. It also makes efforts in tea plantation, family hotel and featured seafood dining, making rural tourism the driver of local economy in its way towards a village with strong economy in Wanggezhuang Subdistrict.  

国家级风景名胜区国家AAAAA级旅游景区 国家森林公园中国天然氧吧全国文明单位


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